Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pure-Ecommerce, Thank You!

www.PurePajamas.com has some exciting news! We will be coming out with our pajama line in September! Get ready for some fun and funky prints for the family! And thank you Jennifer Varner from Pure-Ecommerce, LLC in putting together a great marketing plan for me! Your advice is excellent, and I look forward to following your knowledge and experience!

Thanks again!


TheHawkGroup.com said...

Best of luck with the new pajama line. We too are working with pure-ecommerce.com to launch www.CoolStuffForDads.com which will offer cool gifts for Dads.

Lily & Hannah said...

Love your site! We are also working with pure-ecommerce.com to launch frecklesandpigtails.com. We'll offer toys and educational products for infants to preschoolers!