Sunday, September 23, 2007

Flannel Pajamas

I couldn't wait until the new Frankie and Johnny Pajamas came in and here they are. They are so soft and cuddly. I want to keep them all....lucky for you my husband won't let me. I am absolutely in love with the Snow Bunny's. They are so funny and adorable. Little bunny's on skiis! Some are face down in the snow. Hmmm... kinda like how I ski. I have to remind myself to get some lessons this year. Back to pajamas. I also love the Cowboy Lounge Pajamas. The pants are made of the soft, flannel (only gets even softer with every wash) that will keep you warm and a great form fitting long sleeve tee that has a cowboy embroidered on it. This pair of pj's is great for warmer climates....especially like where I am. Then I saw the Doginistas...what more can I say. You can wear your flannel pj's and get pj's for you dog to match. Just check out for all of these adorable flannel pajamas. (I've included a sneak peek!)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why Women Love Pajamas

Maybe it stems back to the womb, that feeling of being comfortable and safe, maybe it is just the sheer release of shedding your clothes, or maybe it is just simply our obsession with looking stylish even while we sleep, but for some reason women love pajamas. Believe it or not, there is still a large percentage of women who have boycotted their husbands dingy t-shirts for a more stylish and sexy approach to women’s sleepwear. There is a reason women’s pajamas are sold in most top retailers across the county, women are sleeping in style these days.

Women’s Pajamas have come a long way. Gone are the days of women’s night gowns done is oversized burlap cloth. Women’s night gowns now are about 3 feet shorter and are made out of sexy see through fabrics, or soft romantic cotton. Women are also seeking out designer sleepwear, yes we will pay three times too much money just to look good for while sleeping. Eberjey, one of the top selling women’s pajama lines, sells it all from women’s night gowns to beautiful sleepwear sets. They specialize in providing women with a sexy yet comfortable alternative to women’s sleepwear.
Pajamas for women can be something very special. It can give us girls something to look forward to after a long day. There is nothing like taking a hot shower and slipping into a pair of soft comfortable women’s flannel pajamas in the winter. Or of course, nothing beats that special nightgown for your significant other while on vacation. Women’s pajamas are a part of the American culture, as kids we grew up in footed pajamas, on Christmas we had our special pajamas to wear to meet Santa in, and as grown women we have that special pair that we look forward to wearing after a long day of life hitting us hard. For a large selection of women’s sleepwear, women’s bathrobes, and children’s pajamas check out

What kind of sadist invented lingerie?

You know it was a man. And Victoria’s Secret – I think the more accurate description is Victor’s Dream.
Honestly. I’ve never understood it. Why would I (or any woman) want to spend forty five minutes of their time trying to squeeze into a piece of fabric that looks like it MIGHT fit around the girth of my cat?
Here’s the scenario – You take a long, luxurious bubble bath. You even shave your legs. INCLUDING the upper leg. You even trim Mrs. Happy down there to tame the wild underbrush. You get out. Put on lotion, maybe a spritz of perfume. And pick up this sadistic piece of fabric. You squeeze in. Barely. Then you look in the mirror and have to adjust your girls. Then your little pouch on your tummy (courtesy of two kids and too many meals at McDonalds) has to be smoothed out. Then your butt starts to droop and you have to adjust. Whoops, there go the girls again. That’s when I begin to think the whole theory of evolution really must be wrong. After all – if God had intended for us to get our bodies into nylon and mesh and lace and is that a WIRE I feel running down my rib cage, sorry – got off track! But if we were intended to put on such medieval torture devices, we would have grown additional arms by now.
Ok, back to the mirror. Girls up and as perky as they can get – check
Tummy? Flatter than normal- check
Behind? Still slipping – ok, I can do this – I have two kids, 8 cats and a 150 pound dog- one hand to secure the girls, the other to tug your bottom back into place. Check!
You turn to open the door and oh crimeny! You have to use the bathroom. Why NOW? Ok, ok…you gingerly attempt to slip OUT of this thing you just spent twenty minutes trying to get INTO. You hope and pray it retains your body shape, and will slide up easier than it went on or off! All right – now you’re done, time to get back INTO this wretched piece of garbage. Repeat entire scene from above. Add five minutes because it seems the material has actually SHRUNK from the last time! Stop breathing, because you FINALLY have it on, nothing is drooping or sagging or falling out! You take baby steps out of the bathroom. And there’s your Prince Charming. Laying on the bed, primed and poised in his boxers. Boxers. That would have been SO much easier! Note to yourself that you are going to make HIM put this on just ONCE so he fully appreciates it.
He looks at you and smiles. You’re frozen. Fear of droopage keeps you firmly in place. You smile because it’s the one part of your body you can move without fear of something slipping out of place.
He asks you to take it off.
Find your most comfortable Eberjey lingerie and pajamas visit


Nothing’s sexier than a pair of wash worn, warm flannel pajamas.
Well…maybe nothing’s COMFIER than said pair of pajamas!
Although, with the heat we’ve had the past month, nothing could be further from my mind! Sleeping naked by our pool seems the more “common sense” alternative, but since I don’t feel like being arrested for public indecency, I’ll have to settle for a tank top in my own bed, while I listen to the air conditioner humming the paycheck away…But soon enough the ‘ol cold weather stand by will be pulled out from a dresser drawer and re-washed for a new season of comfort. I know that, one morning in the not too distant future I’ll crawl out of bed and be taken with the horrid thought that it’s freezing and wonder why in the world would I think to sleep in a tank top? After furiously wrestling into the comfort that only flannel can provide, I’ll then make my way to the couch (but not before making a pit stop at the coffee pot!) and curl up under the blanket that permanently resides there and watch the local news. Sipping my coffee, and praying I can get through it before the baby wakes up, I wonder just how long exactly I can stay in my pajamas. Then with a smirk realize that one of the few benefits of being a writer, is that I don’t have to get dressed (insert maniacal laughter here)!
My husband hates my flannel pajamas. He says I look like my grandmother when I wear them. I guess he has a point. But in ten years of marriage, I’ve listened to him only once or twice, so why make a trend of it? I think what he really means is that he hates it when I’m in them, because he knows at that point, comfort- not carnal pleasures are on my agenda for the evening! What better way to say “not tonight, dear” then in raggedy pajamas that cover 98% of your body and a ponytail!
But in a strange sense, I think our partners like seeing us all cozied up on the sofa or our favorite chair in. It shows we are comfortable around them. The coziness our flannels provide is a metaphor for the coziness in our own lives. We are secure in our roles as mother and partner. Secure in our relationships. And secure enough to know that even if we do resemble grandma in our PJ’s, that they still love us! To get your perfect pair of pajamas visit!