Thursday, September 13, 2007


Nothing’s sexier than a pair of wash worn, warm flannel pajamas.
Well…maybe nothing’s COMFIER than said pair of pajamas!
Although, with the heat we’ve had the past month, nothing could be further from my mind! Sleeping naked by our pool seems the more “common sense” alternative, but since I don’t feel like being arrested for public indecency, I’ll have to settle for a tank top in my own bed, while I listen to the air conditioner humming the paycheck away…But soon enough the ‘ol cold weather stand by will be pulled out from a dresser drawer and re-washed for a new season of comfort. I know that, one morning in the not too distant future I’ll crawl out of bed and be taken with the horrid thought that it’s freezing and wonder why in the world would I think to sleep in a tank top? After furiously wrestling into the comfort that only flannel can provide, I’ll then make my way to the couch (but not before making a pit stop at the coffee pot!) and curl up under the blanket that permanently resides there and watch the local news. Sipping my coffee, and praying I can get through it before the baby wakes up, I wonder just how long exactly I can stay in my pajamas. Then with a smirk realize that one of the few benefits of being a writer, is that I don’t have to get dressed (insert maniacal laughter here)!
My husband hates my flannel pajamas. He says I look like my grandmother when I wear them. I guess he has a point. But in ten years of marriage, I’ve listened to him only once or twice, so why make a trend of it? I think what he really means is that he hates it when I’m in them, because he knows at that point, comfort- not carnal pleasures are on my agenda for the evening! What better way to say “not tonight, dear” then in raggedy pajamas that cover 98% of your body and a ponytail!
But in a strange sense, I think our partners like seeing us all cozied up on the sofa or our favorite chair in. It shows we are comfortable around them. The coziness our flannels provide is a metaphor for the coziness in our own lives. We are secure in our roles as mother and partner. Secure in our relationships. And secure enough to know that even if we do resemble grandma in our PJ’s, that they still love us! To get your perfect pair of pajamas visit!

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